About Officiant Lisa

As a non-denominational wedding officiant and interspiritual family minister based in Boulder and serving the entire state of Colorado, I believe that there are as many definitions of spirituality as there are people, and that as we encounter life's important milestones, we seek out facilitators who fit us. I am happy to be one of those facilitators! Training-wise, I was ordained in the two-year program at One Spirit Interspiritual Seminary in New York. 

Old school photo of singer Lisa performing at the Detroit Music Awards back in 2001.

Old school photo of singer Lisa performing at the Detroit Music Awards back in 2001. She won 4 awards that year!

Spiritual Leadership & Facilitation

I have a fun and eclectic history that has brought me to the role of officiant and minister. Back in my 20’s and early 30’s, I was a performing singer-songwriter for about a decade. I toured the country playing shows, recording CD’s and facilitating workshops on spiritual growth and transformation. I had the joy of working with audiences, groups and individuals to help each person move closer to living their most authentic and fulfilling life.

During that time, two of my songs about listening to your inner voice and living your purpose were played in regular rotation on the Discovery Channel and the Disney Channel, which fulfilled a big mission of mine - to support as many folks as possible to know their true selves and contribute something greater to the world.

In the years following, I obtained a certification in life coaching, then worked as a trainer in a nationwide program to teach parole officers life coaching skills so they could help their parolees make change from a place of intrinsic motivation rather than in response to force or rules. This was incredibly powerful work, which further set the stage for me to be a minister who honors every kind of perspective one might imagine when it comes to making meaning in life.

As an environmental educator in Yosemite National Park, this used to be my office!

As an environmental educator in Yosemite National Park, this used to be my office!

On The Personal Side

I’ve had a colorful journey when it comes to spirituality - I grew up Roman Catholic, then had my first truly spiritual experience while spending time in the mountains in New Hampshire. This opened my world to so much more than experiencing spirituality in a church.

Continuing on that theme, I then worked in Yosemite National Park as an environmental educator for the Yosemite Institute in my early twenties. I got to hike 6th - 12th graders around the park and teach them about rocks, trees, animals and the interconnectedness of everything. I lived in the park too. What a job!

It’s impossible to experience a place like Yosemite and not feel that there is something larger that connects us all.

Since then, I’ve had the good fortune to have incredible spiritual teachers along the way, from all kinds of traditions ranging from Sufi to Buddhist to earth-based - you name it and I’ve probably explored it.

All of this has deepened and solidified my connection with “something larger”, and this connection is something that I carry with me in every context, no matter what it’s being called.

Me and my hubby on our wedding day :)

Me and my hubby on our wedding day :)
Photo: Jewel Afflerbaugh

What I’m Up To Now

Which brings us to my ministry today, where I love to use my broad perspective to help couples identify what is truly meaningful for them when it comes to big life ceremonies like weddings and other passages.

I believe that we are each our own experts when it comes to spirituality. We can get guidance and learning from all sorts of wonderful sources, but when it comes to our true core beliefs, only we know what really works for us and what is really true for us. Each person has their own unique recipe for making meaning, and I am lucky enough to get to guide couples to make meaning in their wedding passage and in their marriage to come.

Lemmy and Kitty Boo.

In my own personal life, I am blessed to spend my free time with my husband, our dog Lemmy and cat Kitty Boo, family and friends, being in nature and playing music. Over the years, my quality of life has always come back to these three things - love and relationships, music, and my soul connection with the wild outdoors.

Thanks for spending time with me on this page and getting to know me a bit. In turn, I look forward to getting to know you!

Much love, Officiant Lisa